Is it time to RENEW your mortgage?
Want a better deal on your mortgage?
Want a better interest rate?
Want to pay down your mortgage faster?
Want more money in your pocket?
. . . then you’ve come to the right place!
SWITCH ON your mortgage and SAVE!!!

Benefits of SWITCHING your mortgage:
- Minimal cost to you
- Competitive rates
- Highest flexible prepayment features to reduce your mortgage faster
- Ability to skip a payment annually
- No legal fees to SWITCH
- Many lenders we work with will cover much of the appraisal fee should there be any
- Many lenders we work with will cover much of the existing bank’s discharge fee to SWITCH your mortgage
You’re probably thinking it’s not worth it because you have to pay a penalty to break your mortgage. Well, many times people don’t know, but even after paying a penalty, [we will consult with you first to make sure it’s to your advantage to break it] you can still get a better deal when SWITCHING your mortgage.
SWITCH ON Your Mortgage and SAVE CONTACT US to get switching.
*NOTICE – The switch mortgage is per the qualifying guidelines of the lending institution, and subject to change without notice.