Strengthen your Financial Literacy
What better time than November, which is financial literacy month in Canada, to strengthen your knowledge about real estate financing. In general, we feel it would be most beneficial for the consumer to improve their knowledge and understanding about finances and related matters.
Of course, at Trusterra Mortgage we never hesitate to speak with people who have questions about mortgages. It is our goal to educate Canadians to the best of our ability about mortgages. Under the umbrella of mortgages are different subject areas that affect a mortgage applicants ability to get approved for a mortgage. Don’t be shy! Contact us with any mortgage questions you have. We would be happy to help out!
The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has a great web site where you can find informative resources and tools about financial literacy.
Here are a few more resources for you:
It’s important for people of all ages to learn about money, credit, loans, debts, income and employment and financial planning. But even more important are our children and youth. They are our future. We need to encourage them and empower them to have responsible control over their future finances.
Education starts at home. When the parents are informed and enlightened they will in turn share their experiences and knowledge with their children. Schools are the next step and stage in providing education and knowledge to our children and youth. Prepairing them for a positive and financially healthier future.
Throughout a young persons financial education journey they will be better prepared and equiped for when the time comes to purchase their first home. Learning to save at a young age will allow them to have the funds needed for their down payment when buying their home. Also learning to be a responsible spender will help them develop healthy credit habits. In turn, they build a stronger and historically positive credit history.